Posts Tagged ‘reveal’

Yesterday, on May the 1st 2012, Treyarch released the official reveal trailer on the long anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. And, much to gamers’ surprise, it had a new unexpected campaign. It started off with Woods, who was thought to have died, talking and explaining how technology has become stronger over the many years, but people have become weaker, and were completely relying on their computers, drones, robots, missiles, and all other warfare devices that have been created to protect the people. But, then he asks an important question: What do we do when the enemies take over them? It then goes on to show how a huge battle is fought once again against their own technology to get everything back. It does look epic, but then again Modern Warfare 3’s trailer did to, but was it really? No. Being a big fan of Treyarch and not so much of Activision, I’ll still hope that Black Ops 2 will be as awesome as it looks like. I must admit though, it does sort of like a sci-fi game, more like Crysis style, meaning that the Call of Duty series are running out of ideas, and have already turned to futuristic shooters. Check it out for yourself, and tell me what you think in the comments. I’m not sure if I will buy it, but some of you guys might.

There’s also been some leaked info revealed on the official Call of Duty forums, but was later on removed by mods, meaning that the information was true and Treyarch/Activision doesn’t want people to know about it just in case it may lead them to think that the game will suck and they won’t be willing to buy it. But anyways, here’s some of that deleted info for you. This may be false info, but there is a 99.9% it is true.


– There will be a new gamemode called ‘Escort’, where there will be a V.I.P./president who will need to be escorted to a certain area of the map (there will be 2-3 areas depending on the map size), without getting killed. The enemy team will need to take him down. Seems like a fun idea. It will be slightly similar to ‘Search and Destroy’, so maybe the games were be more slow paces with no respawning, or maybe a limited  amount of rounds. Let’s hope there is a small time limit to keep it face-paced.

– Modern Warfare 3’s gamemodes called ‘Dropzone’ and ‘Kill Confirmed’ will be in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

– ‘Team Defender’ and ‘Infected’ will not be there.

Point Streaks/Killstreak:

– Bomb plant will be 2 points

– A Neutral flag is worth 1 point streak.

– Capturing an enemy flag is worth 2 points.

– A Flag assist capture is 1 point.

-The RC-XD will not be in Black Ops 2. This is a bit relaxing as I was constantly being killed by random toy cars. It was fun, but wasn’t when you were a victim of it.

– There will be a new Heat Vision killstreak reward. When you get enough kills, your player will put on an infrared scope on your primary gun, excluding shotguns. It will be able to see through some walls.

– Some kind of new care-package like killstreak, with 5  points needed but will include things such as ammo, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, a minigun, or body armor (hopefully only explosive resistant). The ammo in the new special killstreak might mean Scavenger will leave, but I certainly hope not.


–  This is confusing, but the Specialist streak has been modified, and since it is not a point streak this is strange, but who knows- maybe it is in CoD 9.

– 2nd kill in Specialist gets you one (1) perk.

– 4th kill in Specialist will get you two (2) more perks.

– 6th kill will get you three (3) more perks.

– 8th kill will get you four (4) more perks.

– There will be a new perk called Speed which reduces the time it takes to ‘aim down the sight’.

– There are two versions a perk can upgrade to, each requiring its own challenges. Once one of them is unlocked, the player can select that as his/hers perk pro. Once selected, the only way to chose the other option is to prestige.


– There will be 15 prestiges, with 50 ranks in every prestige.

– Every 2 prestiges, there is a 5 rank increase. This means that in the last prestige, there will be 90 levels.


– No M.O.A.Bs/Nukes.

– No Last Stand/Second Chance.

– No more death streaks.

– There is no longer a flamethrower attachment.

– Aim assist for sniper rifles will be gone. There will be less sway.

– Your character’s look won’t be based on the perks you chose (see below for more info)

– There won’t be any more grenade launchers in hardcore mode. Only vehicle guided rocket launchers will be allowed as well. No more camping noobs with RPGs. Awesome!

Combat training:

– It will return in Black Ops 2.

– Its difficulty is no longer based on how long the bots take to start shooting.

– Bots now have an advanced A.I. system.


– Your chracter’s look will be a combination of all perks/killstreaks.

– Elite will be returning as Elite 2.0. Combat recording has been changed/renamed as ‘Elite Stats’. Specific lobbies for clan matches to level up clans, and clan tournaments will now be there. Sweet!

– Hardcore mode is focused on a bit more, so it will be a tad bit better.

I typed this all myself for you guys. I hope you find it useful. Feel free to use it, but please credit my blog with a link to it. It would help. Thanks.