Modern Warfare 3: Worth it?

Posted: January 21, 2012 in Game Review

Multiplayer gameplay of the game

It’s everywhere. You simply could not go to any website without seeing the world ‘Modern Warfare 3’ on a page the day it came out. It’s not surprising, though- Call of Duty is the most popular First person shooter in the world, but why? Probably best known for its early amazing graphics. But despite that, it has many leaks- such as Battlefield surpassing its graphics, and its quite unrealistic features such as quickscoping and last stand. But it’s a video game in twenty-first century, so what did you actually want? Even though the release price, $60, is slightly exaggerated,  people still buy it because it’s Call of Duty; even if they don’t know the facts. Their friends have it, it’s on the internet- so they want to join as well. Here is a full review on the game that I hope you will find useful.

Let’s just put it out of the way as a start- There’s nothing new. It’s just like all of the other Modern Warfares- Walking around shooting people, flying on choppers, big boom there big bang here. With a new campaign that in general is like MW2’s (taking down Makarov, waaar), everyone already knew what was waiting for them. But that didn’t stop Activision. But of course, a new plot is always nice. Multiplayer is almost the same as MW2 but with new killstreaks and features/weapons, and improved graphics; which still doesn’t really boost the game.

Multiplayer- People have been calling it ‘Modern Warfare 2.5’, which I will have to disagree with. Although it does resemble it, it does have a few new features/gamemodes like infected, and cool new perks and weapons as I noted previously. The spawn points, which was a big problem, is slightly fixed but still has problems. Hitmarkers still exist (dangit!), and you can’t walk into a normal lobby without there having to be a 5 year old screaming in his mic, or a quickscoper shooting the air but yet, succeding at killing his enemy. We’ve seen it all in the past CoDs, but this new one does have some new add-ons, though.

Survival mode, the new Modern Warfare 3 feature, is actually fun.

New game mode! One thing that really boosted the game’s reputation is the new game-mode survival. It’s quite fun, actually. You start at the spawnpoint over the internet or on solo, and survive wave after wave of attacking enemies from which you magically get money to spend it on a box which gives you choppers and guns. This does seem alot like Black Ops: Zombies, but it has a different taste in it with all the ‘modernly-looking’ features it offers. It provides on average a day more of fun.

Overall, this game is like any other CoD, which is sadly starting to attract gamers more into Battlefield or other games. But heck, it’s CoD and people will buy it no matter how bad the game gets. CoD 4 still remains the kind of Call of Duty. Overall, this game doesn’t really have much difference than the other Modern Warfares and may soon get boring. I suggest you get Black Ops (which has zombies, and patched up quickscoping) if you are picking a CoD. But, if you love quickscoping, I recommend Modern Warfare 3 which is like Sniping heaven. Sure Black Op’s older, but still doesn’t make it bad. Overall, I’d give this game:

3 stars. At that price, it could have alot more items, but Activision did try to make it perfect a bit.

  1. Comments are welcome! Do you disagree or agree?

    • Kevin says:

      i haven’t played Modern Warefare 3, i want to buy it because a lot of my friends play it, i play Battlefield 3 but i sometimes want to be a noob sometimes and get easy kills to 😀 So i’m gonna try Mw3, when i get it from PR.

      and can you add an edit, or is their one?

  2. ESM Kemist OFWG says:

    I am buying it friday, but I do agree with everything.
    I am only going to play infected and just quick scope.

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