It’s almost a Friday. So I’m in a good mood. I thought that on this Thursday, I’d review something that millions of people have played. Let me give you some clues. It looks like dirt compared to amazing graphic games like Battlefield. It’s made completly in blocks. It’s everywhere on YouTube. Have  you guessed it? Either way, the game I’m going to review to you is called ‘Minecraft’. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking. “Gosh, I’ve played the game already. Why?” But, some people may want to have a review on minecraft before buying that thirty dollar game. However, just because I’m reviewing it doesn’t mean I love the game. So, without further notes, here it is.

Most people will think that this game is terrible just because of the cubed environment  of the virtual sandbox game. In fact, that’s probably the main reason that many people think that the game is terrible, without even really playing it. If you did feel that way, don’t feel bad- I did to. At first glance I was thinking, “Man this is terrible.” Then it happened that my friend showed me it. I played it a bit on his computer, then loved it so much I bought it. This was during the time that Minecraft Beta just hit. I’ve been playing it alot from then, but sometimes I think too much- I’ve just lost the fun in it.

Minecraft before the major updates.. How I loved it..

Minecraft is an almost endless sandbox game developed in Java form by Swedish game developper “Markus “Notch” Persson and now his company named Mojang. Minecraft, like most games, had a humble beginning. It first started out at is now know minecraft classic. There was limited land, and not as many blocks to choose from. It was all about building. Anything could break from one hit, and there were no mobs or multiplayer. Then eventually, Notch began adding tweaks. Soon enough, there was multiplayer. Then features such as mobs. Monsters. Dungeons. And then alot more. It turned minecraft into a large multiplayer building world where the player could gather suplies to survive the night from monsters.

It was a good idea for a game like this to be made. Players could gather materials and then further craft them into dozens of different crafting items. Then, they could upgrade them by using what they made. The player could also place down any block he/she found, and using this could build anything the gamer could imagine. Just pixelated, which didn’t really bother alot of people. But apart from just building freely and surviving in a life-like way by killing animals and eating their meat, the player also needed a challenge. Mobs ‘monsters’ such as spiders were added. Skeletons with bows and arrows. And of course, who could forget the good old zombie? Minecraft was gaining players quickly. Very quickly. Every little update was awesome and added more crafting recipes, mobs, or game features. Eventually, a new world named ‘the nether’, which resembled hell, was made. The player could get here by making a teleporter, that was made from diamond pickaxes, obsidian, and a fire starter. Each of these could be mined overtime and then put through upgrades. This was a massive update, and the new biome Nether added lots of new items to the game. The game was awesome. It was doing great. People joined by the second. I played this game for a long time, and wasted hours of my life in this virtual stupid world, like millions of other people did. And it kept getting better.

Exploring caves, mining ores, fighting off monsters.. Nice!

Over the time, more and mores mods and texture packs were added to the game by fanmade coders. Since Minecraft was made up of Java and held its content in seperate folders, people could customize the way the game played. This was great for people who wanted a new change, look, or even feel. Using this, players could change their game look (texture packs), or even add new mobs, crafting items, or tools. A cool mod for Minecraft that I found cool and many people liked was the SDK gun mod (which currently remains discontinued as of 1.4 I think), for an example. Mods and texture packs were another great thing that Minecraft had.

This game was all about buildings. Fighting. Exploring. But then, a new massive update hit in. I’m sure almost all of the gamers loved it, but I didn’t. It’s a big reason that I eventually quit the game. As I said, that’s just my opinion. But others love it. It was the 1.8 update that looked so awesome. But it wasn’t to me. It ruined my experience. It added hunger, leveling up, critical strikes, sword blocking… Then more updates were in the the exact same manner. 1.0.0 (finish minecraft), included potions, enchanting table, and a dragon to fight off by finding ruins of a building then using the portal. My friend, upon when I first played Minecraft, predicted that Minecraft will one day turn into RPG. I didn’t think he was right. But looks like his prediction came to life. Of course, I can always go back in time to when I first got Minecraft, because that’s when I loved it best. But it’s just no the same. Many people think this update was awesome, but I didn’t. But still it’s a good game. If you want to buy it you can get it for Xbox or on your computer from However, if you’re not sure wether you want the game or not yet, try free in browser versions with full access but no multiplayer at Remember, if you like the game buy it to get multiplayer and support the developers! I might be hosting my Minecraft account giveaway soon enough. If so, it will be on my blog or my YouTube. Have a nice day. Minecraft was a good and still is but I just don’t like how it’s turned into a role playing game.

The 1.0.0 update introduced hunger, and then RPG stuff came..

Overall, this game gets four stars. It’s a good game, but it was just better the way it was.

  1. ESM Kemist OFWG says:

    I like this review, but the game isn’t my taste.
    I might get it on the Xbox Marketplace, but I am not to worried.
    I rather stick to playing trials of Castle Miner if I want a fun and great building game.
    Like I said, this review was great.
    The RPG aspect turned me off about Minecraft.

  2. Kevin says:

    Very good review, i tried out the game. But the game was just not my type of game i liked playing. It was fun, but could be better i think. Thank you for review 5/5 on review.

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